Logos Home Inc. has raised funds through North Pacific Bank, Ltd.’s “Sustainability-Linked Loan”

LOGOS HOLDINGS INC.(Headquarters: Obihiro City, Hokkaido / President and Representative Director: Yuichi Ikeda) is pleased to announce that Logos Home Inc. has raised funds through North Pacific Bank, Ltd.’s “Sustainability-Linked Loan”.


Left: Mr. Kenichi Mizumoto, Senior Executive Officer and Branch Manager of North Pacific Bank

Right: Mr. Fumiya Taniguchi, President and CEO of Logos Home Inc



  • What is the “Sustainability-Linked Loan” by North Pacific Bank?

This is a loan where the interest rate and other conditions are linked to the achievement of a company’s ambitious ESG-related goals (Sustainability Performance Targets, hereinafter referred to as “SPT”). The purpose of this loan is to promote and support sustainable economic activities and growth in environmental and social aspects.

For this loan, the “percentage of ZEH (Zero Energy Housing) in the total number of housing units supplied by the Logos Holdings Group” has been set as the SPT. A second opinion has been obtained from Hokkaido Co-Creation Partners Co., Ltd., confirming that it complies with international principles, such as the “SLL Principles.” Logos Home Inc., the recipient of the loan, is committed to solving environmental issues through the active supply of high-performance housing under its mission, “Increasing happy families in society through homebuilding.”


  • Logos Holdings Group’s Efforts in Addressing Climate Change

Our group is committed to contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society through our business activities. Focused on our housing product “GUUUS,” which we offer in the Tohoku region, we are promoting the sale of ZEH (Zero Energy House, a home where the amount of energy consumed in a year is effectively reduced to zero or below, by using energy for household consumption and generating energy through solar power and other means).

We will continue to strive to provide homes that are both comfortable for our customers and environmentally friendly


  • Logos Holdings Group’s Sustainability Policy

Under our corporate philosophy of “Shaping the Future of Japanese Home Building.” we have been committed to sustainability management through our housing business in order to realize a better society. As climate change and various societal shifts take place, our lifestyles and ways of living are diversifying, and the expectations for homes are also changing. We aim to respond to these changes and enrich the lives of both the people who live in and build our homes by creating new value in living, ultimately making both the residents and builders happier.

Please also visit our company’s “Sustainability” page on our website.


Download the press release here

North Pacific Bank’s press release is available here



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