Declaration of the “National Movement to Create a New and Rich Lifestyle Leading to Decarbonization” (Commonly Known as: Deco-Katsu)
-Aiming to create homes that nurture both the planet and its inhabitants, fostering harmony with the natural environment.-
LOGOS HOLDINGS INC.(Headquarters: Obihiro City, Hokkaido / President and Representative Director: Yuichi Ikeda) announces its support for the Ministry of the Environment’s “National Movement for New and Prosperous
Lifestyles toward Decarbonization” (commonly known as Deco-Katsu) and has made the following “Deco-Katsu Declaration”:
LOGOS HOLDINGS Group’s Deco-Katsu Declaration
The LOGOS HOLDINGS Group is actively promoting the reduction of fossil fuel-based energy consumption and the use of renewable energy through the widespread adoption of ZEH (Net Zero Energy Homes). As of November 2022, the Tohoku division of LOGOS HOME has achieved a ZEH rate of 100%. The company will continue to strive to provide homes that are comfortable for customers and environmentally friendly.
The company is also advancing modular housing construction, which is expected to reduce the use of on-site fuel and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, a telework-friendly environment has been established for all employees. The company will contribute to spreading homes that are kind to the planet and its residents by utilizing its accumulated know-how and new technologies.
What is Deco-Katsu?
“Deco-Katsu” is a new term that combines “DE” (decarbonization, which means reducing CO2) and “Eco” (good for the environment), representing activities and lifestyles. The declaration involves committing to either or both of the following:
①Supporting the vibrant lifestyles of the public through products, services, and initiatives that lead to decarbonization (Deco-Katsu)!
②Practicing Deco-Katsu (Prosperous Lifestyles toward Decarbonization) in daily life and work!
Logos Holdings Group’s Sustainability Policy
Under the management philosophy “Creating Japanese House Building,” the company is committed to sustainability management to achieve a better society through its housing business. As climate change and various social changes occur, lifestyles and housing needs are diversifying. The company aims to enrich and make residents and builders happy by responding to these changes and creating new living values.
For more information, please refer to our website’s “Sustainability” page.
*For detailed information on our initiatives, please refer to the “Sustainability” page on our website.
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